How We Fund
Resourcing Minnesota’s movements for the long term
Following years of reflection, listening, and visioning, SAS is ending our annual open grantmaking process. We are shifting to a funding model of longer term, “core-support” grants to a handful of invited organizations. Our changes aim to resource Minnesota’s liberatory movements for the long term and transform both our grantmaking processes and impact. These changes come after years of listening and reflection to address the stated needs of organizations we have funded.
Core-support Grants are invitation-only multi-year grants to organizations aligned with the Foundation’s goals, values, and criteria.
By providing longer-term, consistent funding to organizations working for transformational change in Minnesota, these investments will allow organizations more capacity for sustained social change.
Funding Priorities
We continue to prioritize funding work that is:
BIPOC Leadership (options include - not limited to: Black, Indigenous, AAPI, Latinx, ...)
LGBTQ+ Leadership (options include - not limited to: Queer, Trans*, ...)
Happening in rural communities.
Developing creative and meaningful ways of working collectively towards equity and justice.
Prioritizing multi-racial, multi-generational, or statewide partnerships and alignments.
Integrating education and organizing into civic engagement.
Organizing that understands and addresses the current political climate while working towards long-term movement building.
Organizations with budgets of $2,000,000 or less.